January 24, 2025

Travelling abroad means travelling to a foreign land. This can be a business trip, family trip, a holiday or a vacation. It might not be easier to travel frequently maybe because of the cost. So the trip should be enjoyable and memorable. For this reason we have to use that time well to explore that foreign country. And for this to happen you need to rent a car rather than use public transportation. This is because of the following reasons:

1. For Freedom and Leisure

Beautiful sceneries and geographical features are always attractive to our eyes. Everyone want so see them clearly and with no hurry. This includes mountains, rivers, lakes and wild animals among others. For this reason it is better to use a rental car rather than public transport because it will give you the freedom to enjoy watching those features without anybody’s interference and at your own pace.

2. It is comfortable

Public vehicle sometimes can be hectic. They can carry excess passengers which might not be that comfortable. Think about travelling in excess? It can be really tiresome especially when travelling with children. But coming to rental car you can choose a car that fits you and maybe your family well hence you will travel comfortably. You will also be able to talk confidently as a family without fearing anyone. Rent a car to ensure you are more comfortable and confident.

3. It is quick

Let’s start by looking at public transportation, for a journey to start the bus must be full. This means that you have to wait at the bus stop for the bus to get full. However a lot of time is wasted. Also time can be wasted as people get in and out at different destinations. This might delay you especially when you are in a hurry. But if you have your rental car you don’t have to go through all that. You just drive at a speed that you want. No waiting, no dropping passengers, it’s just quick. Rent a car to ensure you are not late.

4. It is economical

This occurs when you are travelling with family members or a group of friends. It can be cheaper to rent a car compared to public transport whereby you pay individually. Instead you can contribute small amounts among the group and rent a car. Using a rental car does not only save the cost but it also ensures that your loved ones especially the kids travel comfortably. Kids need more attention so it will be easier for you to listen to them and answer any questions they have concerning the trip.

5. It helps you explore to the rural areas

Many of the public cars don’t reach rural areas, they just go on highways and to be specific they walk from town to town. It might not be possible for them to travel to the rural areas. However with you rental car you can decide to travel to the rural area. This is because you have full control of the car. This can be help by the use of GPS setting which can lead you to the rural area that you want and the use of the map. For example you might want to travel to a rural area you read in a magazine or you saw on TV, GPS will guide you there.

From the above reasons we can see clearly rental cars are more advantageous compared to public transport. So while in abroad rental cars are the best as they help us explore the country more.