Jamie Gifford and Behan, the when married couple when decided to sail around the world along with their children about 10 years back, then there was a single problem. The three kids of this parent were at the age of four, six and nine and couldn’t swim.
Behan (Jamies’s wife_ said on this, “I am sure that, if any award will be given to us, it would be the bad parent of the year,” reflecting on the silliness of it all, 58,000 miles later and one decade.
She explained, “Her three children were put off by lessons at the crowded and noisy public pools present near their home in Seattle, Washington. We were aware that when the water will be warmer and there will be plenty of pretty things to watch they would get interested”. She added that after finishing just a few months sailing, her nine-year-old started loving the water so much, that she is almost like a fish.
Some physical constraints that Giffords face during her life at sea include teaching their kids how to swim. They were picked up, when they went along and others were carefully planned. To sail, the couple brought 47-foot Stevens sailboat which was based in Montenegro, it was built in the year 1982 and they brought it for $190,000. After that they spent almost a year to make it ready. The new rebuilt boat is equipped with a 75-horsepower engine and it has three tight bedrooms and two bathrooms.
At sea, this family has lived off round the cost of $30,000 a year. They were supported financially by their work as. Meanwhile, Giffords was working as the technical sailing adviser, and Behan was working as the freelance writer and author. The education of their children has been largely cost free. The family says ‘We are living on a field trip’.