March 9, 2025

The YadnyaKasada Mount Bromo is a festival held each fourteenth Day of the Kasada Month from the traditional Hindu lunar calendar. This ceremony is held in honor of Sang Khan Widi, Almighty God, and is based on the old legend of RoroAntena and JokoSeger. Legend has it that a few named RoroAnteng and JokoSeger remained childless after several years of marriage. Consequently, they meditated atop Mount Brom, begging the mountain gods for help. The gods gave him 24 kids on the condition that the 25th child has to be thrown into the volcano as a human sacrifice.

The god’s request was detected, and thus the tradition of offering sacrifices thrown into the volcano to appease the deities carries on until today, however, needless to say, without the sacrifices of humans. Instead, today cows, goats, and veggies are thrown to the crater as a sacrifice. YadnyaKasada is observed from the Tenggerese, who’re descendants of the aristocracy of the once strong thirteenth Majapahit kingdom century in East Java. In the autumn of the Majapahitempire, they fled and took refuge in the top slopes of Mt. Bromo. Despite that nearly all Javanese have converted to Islam, this unique neighborhood, nonetheless, carries on cling to their old beliefs of the times of Majapahit till today.

Comparable into the Balinese Hindu, the Tenggeri cult Ida Sang HyangWidiWasa, the Almighty God, with the Trimurti religions, of Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu, with added components of Animism and Mahayana Buddhism. On the afternoon of YadnyaKasada, devotees who’ve awakened the mountain will plead together atop the hill and after that throw their offerings to the crater of the volcano. The sacrifice includes veggies, fruits, livestock, flowers in addition to money, and is offered with gratitude for a lot of agricultural produce and livestock given to them. Occasionally locals clamber down to the crater despite apparent dangers, to recover the sacrificed goods, that is believed to bring them good luck.

Visitors and tourists are welcome to watch this ceremony. Therefore some travel agents in East Java offer special tours to Mt. Bromo beginning from Surabaya or even Malang, including a premarital holiday walk through the sand sea of Bromo and the unforgettable sunrise on this mountain range. The active volcano of Mt. Bromo forms part of the BromoSemeru National Park.